Heated Outdoor enclosure with access to the outside1

Karen's Horsfield set-up with lots of areas to hide and access to a heated shed 3

Karen's Horsfield set-up with lots of areas to hide and access to a heated shed 2

Karen's Horsfield set-up with lots of areas to hide and access to a heated shed 1

Heated Outdoor enclosure with access to the outside4

Heated Outdoor enclosure with access to the outside3

Heated Outdoor enclosure with access to the outside2

Sonya's Tortoise run

Tiggy's Outdoor Set-up

Lynn's access to a cold-frame for warming up on colder days

Jenny's accessible mini Greenhouse set-up

Lynn's Tortoise House with Mercury lamps and a tubular heater

Space to roam with access to a cold-frame

Eileen's Set-ups

Sonya's outdoor housing with integrated greenhouse

Lynn's interesting outdoor run

Greenhouse and tortoise garden

Lynne's Enclosure with access to indoors

Greenhouse set-up

Enclosure used for Hermanns

Tortoise garden

Jeannette's Tortoise House

Enclosure used for Russian tortoises with access to heated greenhouse