Tortoises Available for Rehoming

Redfoot, Female approx 30+ years old (Tess)

Redfoot, Female approx 30+ years old (Tess)
Fife, Scotland

is a Female Redfoot approximately 30+ years old
Current Location: Fife, Scotland
No health issues declared by current owner. Tess is a Non hibernating and will need a tropical set up.
If you are interested and are in a position to offer Tess a new permanent home, please find our contact details in the "Applying to Rehome a Tortoise” section, where you will also find details on how to apply to rehome a tortoise through the Tortoise Protection Group
Please reply via email only
Email: and quote “Tess, Fife, Scotland”

17th December 2023

Hermanns : Male approx 7 years old (Tilly)

Hermanns : Male approx 7 years old (Tilly)

is a Male Hermanns approximately 7 years old
Current Location: Stockport
No health issues declared by current owner.
If you are interested and are in a position to offer Tilly a new permanent home, please find our contact details in the "Applying to Rehome a Tortoise” section, where you will also find details on how to apply to rehome a tortoise through the Tortoise Protection Group
Please reply via email only
Email: and quote “Tilly, Stockport”

17th December 2023

Hermanns : Male approx 5 1/2 years old (Bobby)

Hermanns : Male approx 5 1/2 years old (Bobby)

is a Male Hermanns approximately 5 1/2 years old
Current Location: Bedford
No health issues declared by current owner.
If you are interested and are in a position to offer Bobby a new permanent home, please find our contact details in the "Applying to Rehome a Tortoise” section, where you will also find details on how to apply to rehome a tortoise through the Tortoise Protection Group
Please reply via email only
Email: and quote “Bobby, Bedford”

17th December 2023


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