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Perfect shells Posted: 05/05/2012 by DavidWYork |
Hi. I've just been reading an article I found on the net about tortoise growth. I have pasted an extract which I found interesting, about raising hatchlings with no pyramiding. I set the extract here, followed by link to website: "Other hobbyists in the USA have confirmed that increased humidity in their experiences has a very important role in reducing pyramiding in hatchling tortoises. It does seem a simple change which might easily be adopted, to create a sleeping microclimate. I have not reared hatchlings, but have seen many mis-shaped shells over the this something people already do? If so, I would be really interested to hear your results/opinions.I know we recommend a sand/soil substrate, kept slightly damp, rather than bone dry alfalfa or chipped wood, but how many have a properly humid sleeping area? One thing I do know...I have a very humid and cold outdoor pen...and a longing for those long hot days we need for our torts! Hope someone finds this useful for their little torty. David, nr York | |
Re: Perfect shells Posted: 06/05/2012 by tortoise7 |
Hi David As you know, I have had concerns over Keya's carapace, as she started to become bit lumpy, and there was nothing I was doing wrong with diet, environment, lighting etc infact a little on the side of underfeeding if anything. This only occured since she has spent time indoors due to bad weather conditions, even though I spray her substrate to get some humidity in the pen. I will try this method with Canadian peat moss and let you know how I get on? | |
Re: Perfect shells Posted: 18/05/2012 by wizzasmum |
I have been doing this for a couple of years now. The key is to offer the choice. I water the substrate and give the babies a choice of humid or dry hides and it's not very often they go for dry to be honest. My first bred torts were kept totally dry with a daily bath and are not smooth, but the ones reared with higher humidity have grown beautifully and are as smooth as the day they were hatched. | |