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Sleepy cold tortoise
Posted: 04/03/2013 by Nikkilev

We have a 4 years Herman tortoise and for the last 3 yrs everything has been great. Recently she has stopped basking and sleeps in her bed all the time, she won't come out to bask even if she is cold. She is being bathed every other day and we are hand feeding her to make sure she eats. We haven't hibernated she since we've had her as she didn't meet the correct weight/length according to the Jackson ratio.
She is passing urine and stools. Any advice would be appreciated!!!

Re: Sleepy cold tortoise
Posted: 04/03/2013 by tortoise7

I think that really you should get her checked over with a tortoise specialist vet, just for your own piece of mind and to make sure nothing is wrong.
Can I just ask what her weight and length is?


Re: Sleepy cold tortoise
Posted: 05/03/2013 by alibannani

Definitely get your little one to a vet just for your own peace of mind. It's good to talk to them because particularly when tortoises are young they don't always meet up with the numbers on the Jackson charts...
I wasn't sure about my 3 yr old hermanns and a trip to the vet really helped sort out exactly what needs doing when...

Re: Sleepy cold tortoise
Posted: 06/03/2013 by Nikkilev

hi jane

thanks for your reply. She weigh 706grams and her length is 15.5cm. I will get her checked over at the vets. Just checking around with vets that are suitable for reptiles.

thanks again


Re: Sleepy cold tortoise
Posted: 06/03/2013 by Nikkilev


Thanks for your reply. Willget her checked out at the vets.



Re: Sleepy cold tortoise
Posted: 08/03/2013 by tortoise7

Hi Nikki
her weight is good for her size, so that is a positive. Have you been to the vet yet? please let us know how you get on.
Thinking of you


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