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Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 09/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Hi There is a pic in the gallery that I would to ask about... Its the large indoor cage on the stand, Cream base with green wire top/green stand...With the extension lead in background...I would like to ask the person it belongs to where this particular cage was bought and how big it is? Also what lamp is hanging inside too? :) Thanks Claire&Teddy

Re: Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 09/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Sorry theres no extension in background of the one im referring to.

Re: Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 10/01/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Claire,

It's one of the enclosures I used to use. The lamp was suspended from the cage as it's higher than most. The enclosure was over 1m, 1.2 I think?


Re: Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 11/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Hi Darren

It looks bigger on the top bit than mine...I did have my lamp hanging from inside but it was too close and too hot so had to hang externally, with my one the lamp is quite close to the wiretop...Doesnt get too hot thankfully and hasnt shown any signs of melting. I would like one with a much higher top so my lamp can hang from inside. Where can I buy a bigger cage?

Re: Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 11/01/2010 by VivTPG

Hi, I have heard that some members have cut out some of the cage bars and suspended the lamp through the hole.

On one of my indoor cages, there is a door on the top I have suspended the lamp (the thinner end of the lamp holder) through this.  Not sure if this is possible for you to do!

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 11/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Hi Vivienne

Now this is what ive been thinking lol...The door on mine is at the front, its a full door. I can cut the wire to fit the lamp through, yes...but my concern is the cats...Do you think it would be ok, the cat wouldnt be able to get through would it? mind you my cats are rather big lol so doubt it. Now what do I use to cut wire as tis pretty tough stuff. Do you have a pic for me to see if possible? Thanks :) Claire&Teddy

Re: Pic in the Gallery...Whose is it?
Posted: 11/01/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Claire, you could just cut a hole big enough to put the holder through, I use wire snips, you get them at DIY stores, some pliers also have a part at the base that will cut wire.

I will try and take a photo of mine, it comes out the top of the top door! hard to describe, but I think you have the same idea!

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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