You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise Care, Health/Problems > Squeak?

Posted: 13/09/2008 by unhindered

JD seems to be squeaking through his nose, I posted something about this a few weeks ago but it seemed to disappear and then come back worse, it was every now and then but after his bath earlier he was walking around and I could here that it was pretty consistant with his breathing. Last week in the bath he blew through his nose under water, but he didn't do that today, also seemed to be straining to poo as he tucked his head in and was shaking a bit. Am I worrying over nothing? He's as active as ever and still has a massive appetite, so his behaviour is normal, I just wanted to check so I can put my mind at rest!

Re: Squeak?
Posted: 13/09/2008 by TPGDarren


Have you noticed any discharge from his nose at all.


Re: Squeak?
Posted: 13/09/2008 by unhindered

nope it looks normal, confusing!

Re: Squeak?
Posted: 13/09/2008 by TPGDarren

It could be a blockage. I had a tortoise here that had a piece of grass over an inch long inside it's nasal passage. You can squeeze gently but firmly under the chin (inside the bottom jawline) to check if anything is expelled.

Failing this I'd monitor him for a few days, if the situation worsens at all, Id be inclined to take him to the vets to be on the safe side.


Failing this I'd monitor him for a couple of days, lots of baths.

Re: Squeak?
Posted: 13/09/2008 by unhindered

Ok I'll try that, thanks


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