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garden centre experience
Posted: 30/09/2011 by hazel.harris

About this time last year I was the owner of 2 spur thighs. I went to our local garden centre to get some art supplies for work. A few weeks before I had been in and seen 4 redfoot adults in a 6foot tank, they looked really sad. Anyway, on this occassion I walked past again, ready to go and complain. I looked in the tank and there was one redfoot, I looked at him, he walked over to me and flopped his head on the floor. I left all the art stuff and walked out, rang my husband crying and he told me to go back in and justt get him. I went in and totally kicked off, I asked how much he was and they said £120. He had been on sale for over a year for £300 but no one wanted him. I told the assistant to get a box and get him out of there. People came over to see him as he was being taken out and the sales assistant said he was so pleased that he was going at last. The staff had all complained to the management about having adult torts kept in this way. Anyway, I named him Terry, after Terry Waite as he was now free. He has been with us for 12 months, loves having his back end scatched to the point he rocks up and down and finally he is living normally. For the first 6 months he would stay in his box until 8.30pm and then come to bask but be back in bed by 8am, I finally worked out that he was only coming out during hours where there would be no one in the garden centre. I know really I shouldn't have bought him but I really am glad I did. His shell is perfect so he was cared for well physically in some respects but he really was an emotional wreck. I went and saw the sales assistant a month ago and gave him an update, he was really pleased but was also happy as the garden centre stopped buying in adult torts!

Re: garden centre experience
Posted: 30/09/2011 by tortoise7

That is such a wonderful ending, you had me tearful, smiling and then cheering all in the space of 3 mins of reading your post. Thank you so much for sharing that with us, and well done you.
Give Terry a scratch from me

Re: garden centre experience
Posted: 01/10/2011 by hazel.harris

Gave him a big long scratch from you. He is now so sociable that we are trying to work out how to make a pretty looking table to bring him downstairs so he is with us all the time. What really needs to happen is a lottery win so we can give him a mini eden project conservatory!! On another note, I fell out with a local per shop this morning, they had a Horsefield in a viv, I told them that it wasnt the best way to keep him and was basically escorted from the shop. They have a chain of shops in Plymouth. I wish shops would stop selling them. I hope he gets a happy ending like Terry has. Off to give him another bum scratch now!! lol lol lol


Re: garden centre experience
Posted: 02/10/2011 by tortoise7

I know it is so sad, I am trying to get the RSPCA involved in a couple of shops where I live. I too have been banned from the local pet shop just because I asked a few questions and said that tortoises do drink Click and drag me down to the editor 

Re: garden centre experience
Posted: 11/10/2011 by hazel.harris

It is awful Jane,

The way they seem to remove people for asking questions seems to me as an admission to guilt. I feel so sorry for the torts, but cant buy them as that will just lead them to get more and also my house is taken over with torts now. I got given one on new years day who apparently would only eat grated carrot. He is wonderful, Arthur the marginated tort, he is a bit bumpy due to lack of knowledge but is so sweet, he comes to me when called and now eats anything you give him. He is an adult and the saddest thing is that he didnt even have a name.

I love all my torts but just wish it was only proper breeders that could sell them, then they would get good homes and would be cared for properly. I wanted a tortoise since I was 14 but waited til I was 40 and did a years worth of research before we got the first one.



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