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Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 24/10/2011 by victoriataylor5

Hi everyone

I took my 15 month tort for a pre hibernation health check on Saturday, as a result the vet told me that her Jackson Ratio was fine but that she was unwell as got swollen legs And a soft plastron. . She wants me to fill out a questionnaire on my husbandry and bring it back to discuss it with her. While in the appt she told me that I couldn't hibernate, which is fine. She also said that the temps where not hot enough for her in her table top. She said that the low temps could do this to her legs, is this right??? Please help as very worried about my baby girl..
Vicky & Sydney xxxx

Ps - Sydneybis lethargic at the moment and I have lowered the light so the basking area is around 29-32c

Re: Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 25/10/2011 by parimah

soft shell could be, cause of lack of calsium & vit D & sun light
my baby had this problem !

Re: Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 25/10/2011 by victoriataylor5

How did u sort out the problem??? I've have lowered her light to make it warmer and hopefully get more UV and started putting limestone flour on her food. I have done this for 3 days now, seen improvement with her energy/activity levels and slight increase in appetite. Please help me as out of my mind with worry, I can't stop crying as I thought I was doing my best, but it seems that I am slowly killing her. Vicky & Sydney xxx

Re: Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 25/10/2011 by parimah

i fed my baby with supplement
i used "Calci care" , include calcium, vit D, & Magnesium & Zinc
and also, let him being under sunlight every day , at least about 30mins (not under intense sun, eg @ 10 or11 am or after 4pm is best time his vet said)
& water is on hand for him, to prevent sunstroke
Ive done these for about, 3 month now, his shell become veryyyy stronger!

Re: Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 26/10/2011 by victoriataylor5

Thank you for your help, I will start doing the things you mentioned. And I will let you know how we get on at the vets on Saturday.

Vicky & Sydney

Re: Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 26/10/2011 by parimah

good job
I hope hear good news xxx

Re: Soft shell- pls help!!!!!
Posted: 04/11/2011 by victoriataylor5

Went to the vets on Saturday and she said the changes to the temp that I had made had improved her swelling on her legs and that her shell is improving as well. I'm really relieved . Vicky & Sydney


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