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Posted: 05/11/2011 by d.hameedi

do you no where to get tortoise microchips from or an expert who can implant one

Re: microchips
Posted: 05/11/2011 by DavidWYork

I am getting mine done by an exotics vet when torts wake next year. Is that what others have done?

Regards, David nr York

Re: microchips
Posted: 05/11/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Guys
I have opted for the finger printing system, which is taking photographs of the carapace and the plastron. I have one copy and BCG have the other copy. The plastron is unique to each tortoise like our finger prints, and helps to identify the tortoise if is is stolen or lost.

Re: microchips
Posted: 05/11/2011 by d.hameedi

thank u sooooooooooooooooooo mch

Re: microchips
Posted: 07/12/2011 by d.hameedi

what is BCG or what ever


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