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Walking strangely
Posted: 15/12/2011 by LAS297

Hi can anyone help our 2yr old Russian tortoise Kenya is walking strangely.. I noticed that he wasnt using his right front or back leg properly.. In turn he is dragging his shell slightly. Everything seems hard work for him..
We keep him in a large vivarium with uv light and heat lamp and mat.. We took him to the vet and because Ken wouldnt move he said that he would need to see a video.. He sent us away £17 lighter for his trouble.. He did say his eyes and shell were good.. Can anyone please help/advise or recommend a specialist vet in The Eastbourne area

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi and Click and drag me down to the editor
Firstly I would get him out of the vivl and take the heat mat out. Put him in the bath for a good long soak. Put him in to an open top table which could be a wooden drawer or Rabbit Guinea pig cage, 50-50 play sand and top soil. He does need to see a tortoise specialist vet or you will be paying out unnecessary vet bills. I am not familiar with any vets in Eastourne?East Sussex area. I think you will need to phone a few vets to see if they can give you any contacts. In the meantime I will keep looking to see if I can find any for you.

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by LAS297

Thanks Jane this really helps! Will he get cold out of the vivarium or should I put the heat lamp in the open top thing too?

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by tortoise7

Yes you will need to put the UVA/UVB lamps in, have you got a combined UV/Heat lamp?


Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by LAS297

Thanks Jane this really helps! Will he get cold out of the vivarium or should I put the heat lamp in the open top thing too?

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by LAS297

No they are separate.. Do you know what's wrong with him?

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by tortoise7

I really wouldn't like to say or guess as it could be  a couple of things, that is why he needs to see a specialist vet. Did you bath him and did he pass anything?

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 16/12/2011 by LAS297

Yeah have bathed him he has drunk lots of water and poo'd.. He seems Perkier today but still finding it hard to lift shell up.. We have an appointment Monday with specialist vet in Horsham, East Sussex.

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 17/12/2011 by tortoise7

I would give him a couple of bath's a day. Have you removed the heat mat? I am guessing you brought him from a pet shop, as the items you have been advised to buy make the petshops a lot of money. Still never mind, your little friend is lucky that you have him and he will be getting the right care now. Have you read the caresheets, look under the "The Tortoise" on the left hand side. Make sure your little one has his basking area to 28-32c and his cooling area 20-22c approx.
Please keep us up to date, and really hope all goes well for Monday. If you need some support until Monday, just post and we will try to help where we can

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 19/12/2011 by LAS297

Hi Jane,
We've just got back from the specialist vet, she was very good. Basically Kenya has not had enough calcium in his diet. When she pressed his shell she could move it slightly which is a sign that the shell isn't strong enough. She questioned us on his living area and we soon learnt that UV lights must be replaced regularly as they don't work after a few months, this is something we didn't know about. Kenya was given an X-ray and all his bones were fine (which was a relief) however on the X-ray you couldn't see his toenails this is another sign of lack of calcium. The vet has said that we have caught it quick enough which is good news. Kenya was given a calcium injection so everything crossed and a bit of close monitoring should have him back to normal soon. I highly recommend to anyone to go to a specialist vet. We would have saved £17 if we went there first! The vet was called Melisa and she practices at Seers Croft in Horsham, Sussex.

Re: Walking strangely
Posted: 19/12/2011 by DavidWYork

Hello there, that is good news! Jane was spot on for immediate care...again. Cheers Jane! You must now add vet details to post on vets, as many members have no idea where to go in emergency, and waste time trying to source one once they have a serious issue. Sometimes this is too late. Any new tortoise owner must find a good exotics vet as soon as they acquire a readiness for any potential troubles. Keep us up to date with progress please so we all learn.
Regards, David nr York.   (Minus 3 deg C outside...keep an eye on hibernating tortoises every day, and avoid issues in the spring!)


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