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few problems please help
Posted: 20/12/2011 by jules70

Click and drag me down to the editor Hi, I have had a horsefield bought for me as a Christmas present, when we bought him/her it was quite active and I seen it eating.

we bought him, brought him home and I have only seen him eat once since, although I am at work all day and he is home alone. I have him in a table top box, quite big and I have the correct uv lighting and heat lamps. I am currently feeding him a mixture of green mixed leafs, he always has plenty of clean water down too.

I find that I am changing his food on a morning and on a night as the heat dries it out, so he always has fresh food down.

I find he sleeps a lot, this may be due to the fact that he is only a couple of months old, I wake him u regularly and he hisses at me, i then stroke his chin and he seems content.

Do you think he will be eating when I am at work? or am I doing something wrong?


Please help as I am getting quite worried! I have also bathed him twice in a week and he seems to like the bath.

Re: few problems please help
Posted: 21/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi and Click and drag me down to the editor

Sounds like you have everything in place to keep your new friend happy. What temps are  you keeping them at? S/he may take a while to settle in, where did you buy him/her from? I would give them a bath daily to make sure they are well hydrated, it is also a good opportunity to see when they pass urates what they are like and when they poo. How old is S/he? Horsfields do sleep quite alot even when they are not in hibernation, but it is good that you are keeping an eye on them. The food issue might be that they were not used to being fed the correct food, so it will take a while for them to get on the healthy eating programme Click and drag me down to the editor  try to read up on behaviour for Horsfields so you can understand what is normal or abnormal. Also I don't know if you know that the weight guide for Horsfields is the McIntyre Ratio, I have put a link of one that I found, but you may want to search for a better one. Don't get confused with the Jackson Ratio as this is for Hermans species, hich will not not be appropriate for your Horsfield.
Hope this helps, looking forward to hearing more



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