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red liquid
Posted: 24/12/2011 by shazzler

hi is there anybody there who can answer an urgent question regarding a reddish liquid around a young horsefields neck, no signs of trama thanks xx

Re: red liquid
Posted: 24/12/2011 by tortoise7

Is it at the top of the neck? if possible can you post a photo so we can have a look

Re: red liquid
Posted: 27/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Shazzler
Is your little one Ok?

Re: red liquid
Posted: 28/12/2011 by dandelionz

I have a horrible feeling that i have lost btoh of mine with the same issue. I checked on them earlier today to find the same thing. I had them out of the fridge for a couple of hours now and its not looking good.

Re: red liquid
Posted: 29/12/2011 by tortoise7

These tortoises need to see a specialist tortoise vet urgently. In the meantime, bath the area's with betadine and keep them in a warm clean seperate area from each other, how many other tortoises have you got in the fridge? Please tell us what the vet said. Hope everything goes well


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