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TPG Darren - HELP!!!
Posted: 01/01/2012 by victoriataylor5

My 15month old Hermanns tort is not hibernating due to her size/weight. I have invested in a cervix heat lamp in addition to her Lucky Reptile 3 in 1 light to keep her warm. But the problem is she doesn't want to do anything other than burrow down and she isn't eating very much. What ur advice and should I be worried??? Thanks in advance Vicky & Sydney xxx

Re: TPG Darren - HELP!!!
Posted: 01/01/2012 by TPGDarren


It's not unusual this time of year. May I ask what the temps are under the lamp and background and confirm she's not in a vivarium please?
You could try feeding her after bathing in warm water.

Kindest Regards

Re: TPG Darren - HELP!!!
Posted: 03/01/2012 by victoriataylor5

Hi Darren

I don't have her in a viv I have her in a tabletop. The ambient temp is around 21c and under her spot its around 32c. I bathe her in a morning and then feed her then I bathe her when I get home from work , then feed her. But she is very lethargic and doesn't really want to eat. If she does eat, it's only a very small amount. I am trying to feed her fav to tempt her too eat . Any ideas?? Thanks Vicky xxx

Re: TPG Darren - HELP!!!
Posted: 03/01/2012 by TPGDarren

Hi Vicky,

I really wouldn't worry. Turn off her lamp for 2-3 days, leave her, then bathe her and try feeding her again. As she's spending more time hiding away and less time basking/warming up, she is probably not hungry as she's taking longer to digest the food in her stomach. This is perfectly normal behaviour this time of year.


Re: TPG Darren - HELP!!!
Posted: 03/01/2012 by victoriataylor5

Thanks Darren, you've put my mind at rest. Your a star!!!!

Thanks Vicky & Sydney xxxxx

Re: TPG Darren - HELP!!!
Posted: 03/01/2012 by TPGDarren

You're very welcome:-)


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