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Chipped shell after hibernation!
Posted: 29/03/2012 by CharlieC

My 8 year old hermann trortois Tobyus came out of hibernation yesterday, I gave him a light wash with some warm water and notice his shell is chipped in several places on the older part of the shell, he is eating and drinking well and althogh he is a tad dosey he seems perfectly fine. His legs and other parts of his body are normal I'm just very worried!



Re: Chipped shell after hibernation!
Posted: 30/03/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Charlie
Is the area clean or is it red or discharging? if it is dry and clean then it is ok. Can I ask what method of hibernation you used? Depending on what you described chipping as, my Molly has flakes of shell come off after hibernation, there is clean dry and new shell underneath, and it is not alot, only tiny pieces, does that sound like what has happened to Tobyus?

Re: Chipped shell after hibernation!
Posted: 02/04/2012 by CharlieC

Hi Jane,

Thanks for the reply, it was red but is no longer red, its just white underneath where its been chipped off. I put Toby in a empty fish tank turned on its side, lined it with blankets and filled it with shredded paper. The peices that have chipped off are about the size of a 5p coin.


Re: Chipped shell after hibernation!
Posted: 06/04/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Charlie
Toby has got shell rot, without seeing it, not sure whether it is wet or dry rot, either way it will need veterinary attention. In the meantime, carefully remove any shell that is loose and where debris could collect underneath. Gently wash the shell using a soft toothbrush, dry the shell thoroughly and then dab a weak solution of Betadine or Tamodine or Nolvasan, (these can be brought from a pharmacy) over the shell and in the area's that have chipped away. As long as Toby does not show any signs of decline, you should be OK until after the Easter break, but strongly suggest you take him.
How old is Toby, and was there anything you could think of that could have caused the shell damage, e.g. ramming?
That is good to keep him in a clean area, an open top would be better I would keep warm and well hydrated,


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