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New owner
Posted: 10/04/2012 by oddbod1701

Hi, having come out of hibernation 2 weeks ago, my newly acquired rescue tortoise has developed a gummy residue on one eye.  Have repeated cleaning but it keeps coming back.  Also she is very adventurous and likes climbing down stairs which has resulted in a pink tinge to the front underside of her shell.  Is this something I should be worried about or just bruising?  Many thanks in advance for your help.

Re: New owner
Posted: 10/04/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi there...where do I start to help?


 You rescue a tortoise, and it now has changes to shell colour after it LIKES going down stairs? Please go to a vet and explain to him/her exactly how you keep your tortoise, and also mention the eye, it may require antibiotic drops, and the "bruising"...that's new to me.

You need help and advice from a vet as soon as possible. An expert needs to asses the situation, it would take too long through to and fro postings in my opinion. In  the meantime read the info contained in the dark green links on the left of this page. Good luck in your new home torty.

Regards, David nr York.

Re: New owner
Posted: 10/04/2012 by tortoise7

Oh dear, this truley isn't a good situation. David has given you some really good advice and hopefully you will take it.
I am very suprised that the tortoise has gone down the stairs as they will usually stop and retreat if they see  any sort of drop. What sort of set-up have you got and what are diet do you have her on? 
Please keep us posted and ask as many questions that will help your new friend to have a healthy environment

Re: New owner
Posted: 11/04/2012 by tortoise7

Can I ask how this tortoise was hibernated, as I have been thinking about this situation and suspect the tortoise could be blind



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