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hermann tortoise
Posted: 18/04/2012 by manish20

yesterday morning my hermann tortoise drowned in the water.
Eyes were half open and at a small intervals giving warm water bath and also giving him UBVA Light so he can start breathing. But I don't see any progress, body is stiff and swollen. can I keep hopes of him coming back to Life? My son is scared and vey upset.

Re: hermann tortoise
Posted: 18/04/2012 by tortoise7

As this is now 2 days ago, my only advice can be to get him to a specialist vet straight away.
This is a very unfortunate incident, with lots of questions that I could ask to try and help you now or in the future, but probably this is not the right time to do so.
Please let us know how you get on

Re: hermann tortoise
Posted: 18/04/2012 by manish20

yes, it is really unfortunate. We are really upset. But today morning when i kept him in the warm water , i could see bubbles near his mouth and back of Tail.So maybe UBVA Light is working for him. Also if you could tell me how much the vet charge. Appreciate your help.

Re: hermann tortoise
Posted: 19/04/2012 by tortoise7

This tortoise needs urgent vetinary attention. I am afraid that I cannot give any advice on vet charges as each one differs. This tortoise is suffering and needs looking at. Maybe a vet could let you pay in installments?


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