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Posted: 23/04/2012 by gallop1

Hi I have just bought Georgie a female hermann's and her plastron measures 12cm but the certificate I got with her is still the initial hatchling certificate do I need to apply for a new certificate and if so how do I go about this. I have read that you need to have the tortoise microchipped before a new certificate can be issued but after reading posts on here about microchips I am alittle worried can someone please advise me further

Many thanks


Re: certificates
Posted: 23/04/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Charmaine
They should all have their hatchling certificate and that stays with them, it is like our birth certificate.
Microchipping is a personal decision, it does not have to be done there are other security alternatives, like finger printing which is taking a photo of the plastron (underneath) and the Carapace (Top shell) and sending it to John Heyward.
I can let you know more if you decide to do that. Alot depends on how theft secure your torts are.

Re: certificates
Posted: 24/04/2012 by wizzasmum

The yellow certs have to go back now, once the tortoise has changed hands.

Re: certificates
Posted: 25/04/2012 by gallop1

Please can you give me some more information about this and how I can go about it



Re: certificates
Posted: 26/04/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Chermaine

Do you mean about the finger printing?

Re: certificates
Posted: 26/04/2012 by gallop1

Yes please and also about sending back the yellow certs once the tortoise changes hands I am really worried that i have two tortoises that have cost me the earth and I don't know if I have the correct certificates none of the certificates have my name on and Georgie has a 12 cm shell I am very confused about what certs I should or shouldn't have

Many thanks



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