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Posted: 07/05/2012 by bobby

My friend's tortoise Hermione was recently treated by Kevin Eatwell but she eventually had to be put to sleep. She had had several abscesses and I want to do an assignment on my animal healing course about this problem. For a start how do you know when a tortoise has an abscess? How are they removed? Is it likely that more will come once they've had one? Is there something wrong with the way they are kept that may cause abscesses? Can anyone recommend a book or books?

Re: Abscesses
Posted: 07/05/2012 by tortoise7

Sorry to hear about your friends tortoise. I will try and answer some of your questions.
The white cells of the chelonia lack enzyme lysozyme which makes pus solid not liquid. When an injury is received, it is then capsulated and becomes a lump which needs to be surgically removed, antibiotics do not have any effect. They are quite commonly found on legs or ear, nasal passages , and are usually the result from a bite or some form of trauma, or poor environment but this not always the case. Personally I would always ask for a blood test to be done to make sure there is not any underlying cause.
A brillaint book just published is "Healthcare & Rehabilitation of Turtles & Tortoises by Amanda Ebenhack, well worth all Tortoise owners getting a copy.



Re: Abscesses
Posted: 08/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hope this helps



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