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Pyramiding Shell
Posted: 08/05/2012 by alibannani

I am the owner of a 3 year old female hermans' who has a pyramiding shell. I know that reducing the food and slowing the growth rate can prevent this getting worse but can you let me know what the effects of the condition are on the health of the tortoise other than the aesthetics of the shell.
thanks for any information you have

Re: Pyramiding Shell
Posted: 09/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Alex
It really depends on how bad the pyramiding is, have you got a photo?
What is the history of her and what environment, diet have you got her on?


Re: Pyramiding Shell
Posted: 09/05/2012 by alibannani

The pyramiding isn't bad, the last year's growth is smooth but the shell along the middle of the shell is more prominent than the rest. I don't have a very clear picture but i can get one if needed.
She is 3 years old and i have had her since she was 6 months. I know that the deformation of the shell has been because of my care although i read forums and information sites regularly.
She lives in an open tortoise table with heat and uv lamps and access to substrates and a good place to hide. She also has an outdoor run she goes in during the day in summer and on hot days.
She is on a diet of mainly weeds and 'unusual' lettuce like red leaf and lollo-rosso... she has calcium powder twice a week and potassium once a week. She is bathed daily and she passes urine and poo's regularly so i have had no alarm for her health there. I think i'm just a nervous mum!

Re: Pyramiding Shell
Posted: 09/05/2012 by alibannani

Here is a photo of her along side a pen for perspective. The pyramiding is fairly minimal but i thought you'd want an image.


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