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lost tortoise
Posted: 10/06/2012 by sandytyrer

Hi my name is sandy. i live in croteth park west derby liverpool L12 0ATi lost my tortoise sonic 3 weeks ago come tuesday. i have put leaflets throgh the neigbours doors and also large banner on the round-a-bout coming on and off the estate where i live. HAS ANYONE GOT ANY INFORMATION IF SO PLEASE CONTACT ME ON 07881746054. or can anyone give me advice on how to find him, any advice would be grately recieved many thnaks sandy

Re: lost tortoise
Posted: 12/06/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Sandy
Is there any way that your tort has not dug down as this weather is fooling torts that it is approaching hibernation time? I would dig with caution in your garden until you have him safely in your sight.
Look under the Lost or Found (left hand side) it will give you some contacts that maybe able to help you
Hope you are reunited soon

Re: lost tortoise
Posted: 09/09/2012 by TPGDarren

Have you any photos please?
We would recommend you contact any local vets and also John Hayward from the National Theft Register for Zoological wildlife Investigations who runs a register of all such cases. His contact details are:
Tel/fax: 01869 325699
Mobile: 07802 404929
Pager: 07626 120425
If your tortoise hasn't turned up, would you please e-mail me the details


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