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Please help, need info on breeding my hermanns
Posted: 26/08/2012 by johndavis

Hello, I have recently bought a 9 year old female herman tort and put her in with my 4 year old male herman tort. I have done this with the view to breed, but i am unsure if he is old enough to get the job done. I have spent hours researching this and have had no joy. The male is 11cm top to bottom of shell. Can any1 help??



Re: Please help, need info on breeding my hermanns
Posted: 28/08/2012 by alibannani

I'm no expert but i believe that hermanns dont become sexually mature until 13/15... something like that. I have a 3 year old girl and there is no way i would think she's old enough to mate... i think it's the same for boys too. I think that maybe you're aiming for babies too soon, they're only little. Torts live as long as humans do, maybe think of their ages as being similar in development to us... like i said i'm not an expert but i hope you enjoy your little ones as they are! xxx

Re: Please help, need info on breeding my hermanns
Posted: 29/08/2012 by johndavis

thanks for your reply, she is definately old enough and the male is humping her with his piece hanging out  but im not sure if he can actually finish the job lol.

Re: Please help, need info on breeding my hermanns
Posted: 29/08/2012 by johndavis

thanks for your reply, she is definately old enough and the male is humping her with his piece hanging out  but im not sure if he can actually finish the job lol.


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