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Picture problems
Posted: 28/09/2008 by Joanne

Hello everyone,

I have two picture albums in the members gallery of my tortoises. I have recently loaded pictures of my tortoises onto my computer and wanted to add some to the albums but I am having problems with this. I am able to open the picture loading form and select the pictures from my computer. When I click on the load button it asks me to keep the page open and it may take a few minutes to complete. After around 1 minute it crashes and a message appears telling me that internet explorer cannot display the webpage. I have tried a couple of times each week for the last two weeks to add the pictures without success. Can someone help me please.

Joanne xx  

Re: Picture problems
Posted: 28/09/2008 by tpgadmin

Hi Joanne


It sounds as if you picture size is too large so you will need to downsize them.  there are some instructions on the left hand menu of the members gallery to help you do this.


Re: Picture problems
Posted: 28/09/2008 by Ozric

I'm a bit lazy and prefer to post my pics on a hosting site then just put in the link.  The pics are not literally on these pages but they are just a click away

It means they don't have to get re-sized as well, but it is the lazy way!


Re: Picture problems
Posted: 28/09/2008 by tpgNina

Jonathan, that is an absolutely brilliant looking enclosure! What lucky torts you have!



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