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Article 10 help
Posted: 06/09/2012 by cuckmereannie

I have recently been given 3 female (hopefully) 1 year old Hermann torts.  They were hatched by a friend who doesn't sell them but gives them to friends etc.

I hope in the future to breed some for myself and need help with the paperwork etc.

Do I need to regsiter these babies now or can I wait until they are of breeding age etc.  Can you advise on costs etc too.  I have a 20+ year old totally unrelated male - will he need to be registered too as he is likely to be the father?

I have taken individual photos so know which one is which for identification purposes. 

As you can tell, I am a novive tortoise owner and just need some guidance for the future.

Many thanks

Re: Article 10 help
Posted: 06/09/2012 by TPGDarren


Welcome to the group:-)
The licensing regulations came into force in 1984.
There are two ways to obtain licenses.

1) You have to prove a tortoise was imported into the UK pre-1984 and have evidence......letters of gifting from previous owner(s) and say where the tortoise was originally purchased.
2) Baby tortoises' parents must be registered in order to obtain licenses for their offspring.

Outside of the above it is extremely difficult/impossible to obtain licenses.

Sorry I'm not able to offer more encouraging advice.

Kindest Regards


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