You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise Care, Health/Problems > NO EGGS

Posted: 15/09/2012 by lizstott

Can anybody please advise me? I got 2 30yr old Horsefields in April, they had been mated and have laid previously. This year neither have laid any eggs I think due to weather conditions. I have now brought the girls back inside as its too cold here in Scotland now. Do I need to do anything about unlaid eggs? They wont be hibernating for a couple of months but what if there are eggs inside them, is this dangerous? I have also read that tortoises can retain eggs for later laying, is this true? I have 2 Hermans that are 8 yrs old but I have never bred them so have no real knowledge of breeding other than what I was told by seller and what I have read. I just don't want any harm coming to the girls so any advice would be very welcome.


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