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Desperately seeking Male Spur thigh! Posted: 02/10/2012 by matilda |
Can anybody please help? I have a female spur thigh tortoise who is 18. The vet has diagnosed today that she has follicules that need to produce eggs! She is not eating much at the moment due to this and I also cannot hibernate her now in 4 weeks! She basically needs to be with a male spur thigh for a little why as this may cause the release of hormones required to produce eggs from follicules. If you can help please contact me asap as if not an operation is looming! I would rather try and do this naturally than have my beautiful tortoise Matilda have an op! Please help!! | |
Re: Desperately seeking Male Spur thigh! Posted: 04/10/2012 by wizzasmum |
Please do not ake this the wrong way, but are you absolutely certain that this is the correct diagnosis. I'm only saying this because I know of a vet who seems to make this diagnosis a lot. It might be worth seeing another vet. A few of my female tortoises are acting exactly the same right now, it's quite natural for October as the days are getting shorter and cooler. Has your vet given the reason for arriving at this conclusion other than just guessing. Sorry, I'm not a vet obviously but just wondering how they came to this conclusion and wondering if there may be another way out for you ;) Sue
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Re: Desperately seeking Male Spur thigh! Posted: 05/10/2012 by tortoise7 |
Hi Matilda Try not to worry, if, (hopefully not necessary) she did have to have the operation, my Molly has had this and she is fine, the plastron is nearly back to normal, the only difference is that she will not make babies and it would be kinder to keep her away from males, Hmmm | |