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Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 08/11/2012 by ecct123

I am relunctanty having to sell my 6 year old female Horsfield. She is currently housed in a vivarium in our house, which I have recently found out this is not a suitable enclosure for her.  I really didnt want to let her go but we have two small dogs and two small children so we havent got the time....or the space to give her the care and attention she needs.  Please let me know if you can offer her a loving home and if you require any further details.  I live in Crewe, Cheshire. Thanks, Emma

Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 09/11/2012 by wizzasmum

Hi Emma

I have family not far from you in Middlewich. It will be difficult to sell her, especially if she has had incorrect care as she may not have grown too well. You may be best trying to rehome her as there are a lot of unwated tortoises around right now. I may know of someone who might be able to help in Stoke on Trent which is not far from you, but can't promise anything. Are you sure it is a female, as many people cannot take males due to fighting, especially with horsfields. Has your tortoise had a uvb lamp that is in date - just asking as if kept in a viv with no uvb or uvb that has expired, there is a possibility that it may have some bone problems. If you have pics that you can send to me, that will help. Feel free to send to and make a note of who you are ;)

Take care


Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 09/11/2012 by ecct123

Hi Sue,

According to the vet she is a female. She has a slightly raised shell but that was due to the previous owner not caring for her properly diet wise. Yes shes always had a uvb which has been replaced.  According to the vet she is in good health. My daughter really wants to keep her so we're in two minds as to what to do but I will let you know after the weekend. Thankyou x

Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 09/11/2012 by wizzasmum

No problem, I won't mention it until you get back to this page ;)

Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 15/11/2012 by ecct123

Hi, Im definately having to rehome her. I would really like her to go to someone with alot of experience of keeping tortoises and who has the room and time to spend with her, and that will give her a loving home x

Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 21/11/2012 by ecct123

Hi Sue,

Do you know someone that would like to re-home my tortoise? We're getting desperate for her to be rehomed now.



Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 03/12/2012 by Gillian

Has this tortoise been re-homed yet? I have emailed the owner direct but no response.

Re: Horsfield needs a new home
Posted: 04/12/2012 by Jonathan Booth

Hi, I am looking to adopt a tortoise and am confident that we can give one the time and space it needs. We've looked into in quite a bit and would prefer a Horsefield, although ideally one that is a few years old. We're familiar with the need to have a Vivarium with UV lighting and the heating, food and other care requirements but would also welcome any advice existing tortoise owners might have for us.





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