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can they eat salad cress
Posted: 11/12/2012 by murtal and shellbee


i have  two hermanns tortoises and i was wondering if they can eat salad cress

from sabine ( by the way im 11 and i dont whant them ill )  Click and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: can they eat salad cress
Posted: 11/12/2012 by alibannani

Hi Sabine,
I have a little hermanns too and she LOVES salad cress! Just keep an eye on your little ones and make sure there are no changes in their poo just to make sure they are ok with it and they should be fine! Just don't give it to the all the time - like everything else really!
Hope this helps!
Alex and Ifutu xx

Re: can they eat salad cress
Posted: 11/12/2012 by wizzasmum

If you mean the stuff in little punnets, then no, this should not be fed as it is not cress as such, but rapeseed, which is a member of the cabbage family and very high in oxalates, which prevents the uptake of calcium to the bones. Normal bunched watercress is fine in  very small quantities but not for a full feed. Have a look on the recommended foods here or at and don't offer 'treats' as the best treat you can give is a balanced diet :D

Hope this helps



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