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Basking and uvB bulb
Posted: 12/12/2012 by cheeky molly

Hi ,I have a 5 year old Horsefield tortoise and would like to get a uvb +basking lamp for a tortoise table . I have just found out that Vivs are not at all suitable for tortoises and I'm horrified that it may have damaged her health .She is not wheezing and she has a good appetite but she isn't very active .I need to get her out of the viv asap .I could do with advice on the lamp ,how high should it be , do you leave it on at night etc what wattage etc.I am fuming that I was given bad advice by a pet shop and worried the damage has been done already . Nicky

Re: Basking and uvB bulb
Posted: 12/12/2012 by wizzasmum

While you are right that a viv is a big no no for a horsfield, now is not a good time of year to introduce her to an open topped scenario. As she is not very active right now, why not wind her down for hibernation which will benefit her health just as much. Horsfields only eat for 3-4 months of the year, so the species most likely to benefit from hibernation as this is what they have evolved to do.

I've not met a petshop yet that gave good advice re tortoises, so it's lucky you have seen the light.

Never leave lights or heat on at night as you are supposed to be copying the wild as closely as possible - hence, no sun and no overnight heat ;)


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