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New Owner needing reasureance
Posted: 26/12/2012 by lula77

Hello Im a new Tortoise owner and we brought him home today, He is in  large Vivarium with about an inch of meat mixed with desert sand, water, food and a log dome, the temp is 28c he was  toddling around nicely, but for the last hour he has been what looks like scratching up the peat and sand and trying to get onto a corner, ..iv looked at my book and it says its because he is bored and wants out?! Im so worried im doing something wrong by him..

Re: New Owner needing reasureance
Posted: 26/12/2012 by lula77

Peat Not meat !!

Re: New Owner needing reasureance
Posted: 29/12/2012 by wizzasmum

What species is it and what size is the habitat? Scratching in corners is usually a sign that temps are wrong. They need a temperature gradient and if being kept at a constant tempterature, they will become stressed. I would remove the sand, it's not good for captive tortoises and can cause impaction. You need deep soil, possibly mixed with coconut substrate.

Re: New Owner needing reasureance
Posted: 03/01/2013 by donnafj



I must add that play sand mixed with top soil 50/50 will be fine.




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