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Can you help my little Tortoise
Posted: 18/02/2013 by a speers


I have 2 tortoise's male & female. They are approx 18months old I have seen the boy on top of the girl with tail dangling. Not sure if he. Now she is hiding. she is of  her food and is digging the bottom of her habbitat. All things that I have read are signs she could be pregnant. I read today she is too younge. I don't know what to do?  Do I need to build something for her to lay her eggs? An exra is out of the question. HELP

Thanks Ann

Re: Can you help my little Tortoise
Posted: 18/02/2013 by TPGDarren

Hi Ann,

It may be stress - so she is hiding from the male, or it could merely be the time of year. Nature is pretty good at sorting out when a tortoise is ready to reproduce.
May I please ask how long she is?
Here is a link to show you how to measure her SCL:-





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