You're in > TPG Members Forum > Heating, Lighting and Equipment > NEWBIE HORSEFIELD TORTOISE NEED HELP?

Posted: 12/03/2013 by jaydex

im looking into getting a horsefield tortoise iv been researching and been into my local exotic animal shop, the cutie is £100which i would gladly pay although the woman behind the counter said she would rather sell me him with the full setup? for £300 which will include the tortoise table and an all in one basking and heat lamp, its a great deal but i was hoping to design my own set up (my dads a joiner) i asked how much the heat lamp would be and she said £60 but never told me the ins and outs?! id rather look around the internet to see if i can get a better deal but i dont no what bulb il need what heat or whatever and most info websites seem to have different answers? so more info or links would be great? but if i have to pay £60 i will because at the end of the day he needs it

what will i put in my set up?

in the shop he is currently got wood chips? and a log for shade but i want to get different plants and things for him what would be better to put on the floor? what kind of plants can i put in with him

as i have said iv done alot of research into it and know what i should and shouldnt feed him but is there anything you give your tortoises for a treat? ( the shop is selling tortoise treats)

Posted: 13/03/2013 by Tom

Don't buy a horsfield from a pet shop.It will be wild caught- unethical & possibly huge vet bills. If you can't find a breeder, consider Spur-thighed or Hermann's (both are more suitable & more attractive!!). You still need to find a breeder, avoid fancy titles (usually dealers with E.European 'bred' torts). Don't rush to buy!
Yes design your own set-up. You can get a uvb bulb (uva/b & heat) for £25 del. free online. It'l soon time for torts to be outside, another job for your dad.

Posted: 14/03/2013 by Tom

For info on plants go to


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