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Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by Shelbyville

Hi all,

I'm wondering if you could advise me whether my 3 month old Horsfield needs to be seen by the vet.

We have had her for just over 3 weeks and although she is still eating her weight has dropped from 27g to 23g as of today. She is bathed everyday but has been a bit reluctant to get going and has had to be dug out every morning and put under her lamp, which is a 100w megaray. The temps are 32c under the lamp and 21c in the rest of the table. she isn't showing any signs of illness but we have only noticed her produce faeces 3 times in all. Should we be worried about the weight loss?

Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by tpgAli


Can i ask where you got your tortoise from? If you purchased her from a pet shop then it would be advisable to take her to the vet to get her checked out for worms.

It is natural for them to slow down this time of year and they will appear more sluggish, my Horsfields are the same. A weight loss of 4g is not too much to worry about if it has happened over the three weeks that you have had her?


Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by Shelbyville


I got her from Helen Smith. Others have advised to get her wormed but to be honest I can't see her having worms. If the weight loss is down to slowing because winter is on its way, then that's fine with me. It's just that as I'm not used to reptiles, I would hate to have missed something.

Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by tpgAli


Im glad you got her from Helen and not a pet shopClick and drag me down to the editor She will not need worming as she is a proper uk cb. Being a russian tortoise it is very likely she is trying to wind down for winter, all mine have been digging down early this year, some since back in July and i know Helen has had the same problem with hers. Are you planning to hibernate? If not then i would just carry on encouraging her each morning, i have to put some of mine under the lights as they'd sleep all day otherwise. What are you feeding her on?


Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by Shelbyville

I feed her on dandelions,pansies.hairy bittercress and plantains at the moment.

We would like to hibernate her if we were brave enough. Helen advised to try from January and for no more than 8 weeks. Its just about having the courage and of course I'm more nervous as her weight is dropping and I'd never forgive myself if she never woke up.

I would like another one eventhough the worry is turning my hair prematurely grey!Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by tpgAli

Yes they certainly turn your hair grey <g>.

Try not to worry about your little one as i suspect she is still settling into her new home. I agree with Helen regarding hibernation, January is a good time as this will allow her to settle in with you first. You do need to get her weight up abit though. I dont hibernate mine until they are 30g.



Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by tpgadmin


Glad to see you posting here.  Please don't worry your tortoise is doing the same as its siblings and her parents Click and drag me down to the editor.  In fact the adults will be in their hibernation fridge next Sunday.

Dig her out from her hiding place on a morning and put her under the lamp and warm her up and then bath it for about 20 minutes.  Try to keep the water warm and you will probably be rewarded with a poo.  It is very hard to spot it on the soil as it is so tiny.  The behaviour you are seeing is that it is partly to do with the time of the year as she would naturally start to be slowing down to hibernate. 

In my opinion she doesn't need a visit to the vet and she will not need worming.  Just continue to monitor the weight and if you are really worried telephone me.  If you don't have my number let me know and I'll get in contact with you.

Hope this helps to reassure you a little.


Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 06/10/2008 by Shelbyville

Thanks Helen. I can get down from the ceiling now!

Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 08/10/2008 by Joanne


We are related through our tortoises!!!! I also have a 3 month old Horsfield tortoise from Helen. Her name is Lily and she is a little darling Click and drag me down to the editor They know exactly how to make us worry don't they lol. I have been hand feeding Lily for a couple of days as she was not eating but now she eats the food before her big sister, Ruby, can even turn around. (Slight exageration there lol) She even tries to eat the food while it is hanging out of Ruby's mouth Click and drag me down to the editor Ruby is not a happy tortie when Lily does this lol. 

Joanne, Ruby and Lily xx 

Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 16/10/2008 by Shelbyville

I thought I'd let you know that since I got another hatchling from Helen to join my other Horsfield both are now gaining weight. Hiro my original tortoise is so much happier with a friend! Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Weight Loss
Posted: 16/10/2008 by tpgAli

Thats great newsClick and drag me down to the editor  They also take a while to settle into a new environment so this could of been something to do with the problems you've been having.

Its nice to hear you now have another one, two's company.... :-)



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