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New tortoise from dubious centre
Posted: 01/05/2013 by devilofwit

I've wanted a tortoise ever since being young.

I was in Basildon and saw the Tortoise Centre so decided to pop in and have a look. I chatted with a member of staff for quite a long time talking about the different kinds of tortoise they had on offer as well as care/health information. I decided, there and then that I wanted one and I was reassured that a tortoise would be the "easiest pet you'll ever own" and that all I'd need was in the "pack" which consisted of a Hermann's Tortoise, a flatpack vivarium (about 3ft by 2ft), a 40w heat lamp, a UV strip lamp with fittings, a thermometer, some protein powder and some "Aspen substrate". This cost £250 all-in-all. I left a happy person with an exciting new friend who I was very much looking forward to spending my life with!!

However, since owning "Frank" for three days I've become a little too aware of the mistake I've made. Obviously, looking online can be dangerous as it is universally open for anyone's opinion, but it seems according to this site and others that most of the information I was given in the Tortoise Centre is not going to help Frank at all!!

I was initially concerned yesterday as the vivarium temperature seemed to be approaching 80 degrees at the cool end (away from the heat lamp) and it didn't show any signs of slowing down. It did end up settling at around 80 and after calling the Centre to ask, they told me a thermostat might be a good choice. I went online and spent another £30 on a suitable thermostat. However, it seems this is not a great idea?!

Frank (when in the vivarium) burrows frequently and although he's active I fear he is not happy - the last thing I want!!

I live in London in a flat (without a garden) and was told by the staff at the Centre that this is fine and providing I allow Frank to wander and he has the UV light on for 14 hours a day - he'll be fine. They also told me that his diet should consist of "any vegetation" - "any salad leftovers" was suggested.

After doing only a small amount of research I now see how silly I've been and how reckless the Tortoise Centre have been. I checked them out online first and they seemed to know what they were talking now appears otherwise.

I'd like to ask members' advice. What should I do? It's unlikely that I'll have access to a garden for some time (years) and the last thing I want to do is harm or hinder a beautiful animal.

Should I (and can I) return him/her to the Centre?

Any advice is appreciated.



Re: New tortoise from dubious centre
Posted: 02/05/2013 by Tom

You can take the it back under the Supply of Goods Act. Reason(s) - inappropriate advice, in terms of 1. equipment, 2. your lack of a garden, this is not "fine" as the 'Tortoise Centre' told you. The name suggests a centre of excellence, which clearly it is NOT.
It is very sad for the tortoise - but you have no choice (no garden) contact them & if you have any problems, please let us know.

Re: New tortoise from dubious centre
Posted: 07/05/2013 by insenceaddict

No surprises at what you were told by that place. One of the biggest importers of farmed tortoises. How sad that their advice and husbandry is no better. I would look to rehome your tortoise, if you don't want to keep him, not take him back there! If you are keeping him, I would get a poo sample checked by a good reptile vet as likely to be carrying parasites too! I wish people offering such rubbish advice and equipment could be closed down. Also if the hermans is 60mm or more, it should be microchipped and the details of the chip on the license. Is it?

Re: New tortoise from dubious centre
Posted: 08/05/2013 by devilofwit

Thanks Jacqui.

Yes you're right - absolutely terrible place. So sad for my lovely tort. I've managed to buy an entirely new set up and equipment and he is getting lots of this lovely sunshine and was (until yesterday) very happy and healthy.

However, this morning I've noticed white worms in his faeces so it seems you were right again.

I'm now taking him to the vet this morning.

Is it worth complaining to the Centre? The vivarium I now have is pretty useless and the equipment and advice given was very poor.

Re: New tortoise from dubious centre
Posted: 08/05/2013 by Tom

I advised you on 2 / 5 to arrange to take the tort & equipment back & claim a refund. They need to be outside all day & you haven't a garden. Pet dealers thrive on the sentimental advice given yesterday. Every one sold is replaced by another. Why are you again asking about a refund ? ACT, it's absolute cruelty to keep it, OR your 1st trip to the 'vets' wo'nt be the last!!!

Re: New tortoise from dubious centre
Posted: 08/05/2013 by insenceaddict

Hi again, the worms are no surprise as I said, reptile vet can sort this out. Yes, each one bought is replaced by another and the only way to stop this awful trade is to buy from captive breeders. That being said, I do not feel they need to be outside ALL DAY as stated by my colleague. The weather in the UK is not conducive to this. Mine have garden access every day and some days choose to go out and some days choose to stay in and use their uv lamps instead. My set ups can be seen on my website. However, they do need access to garden/outside time so you will have to consider how you will manage this. Personally I could not offer any animal a better life then return them to the pet shop, so I feel your pain, it's just not that simple is it? You have a lot to think about. I would however take the vivarium and other unnecessary crap back and demand a refund. Vivarium are cruel for tortoises as supported by the animal welfare act and the goods are not fit for purpose so you should be able to get a refund. I would also report to rspca, they have an exotics officer and whilst they sadly won't rush out and close Mr wiltons establishment, the more complaints they receive supported by your vets evidence, the more they are likely to take an interest in them! Incidentally, the torts at this centre are bred in bio secure environments and never see a garden or the sun until being bought by people who then provide this! Good luck with your decision. I am sure you will make the right one. Jacqui


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