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Horsfield at 1 year
Posted: 15/05/2013 by Craig60

Our day old new arrival Horsfield seems to be settling in well he likes the indoor area with have for him. the outdoor area i have set out our small lawn area for him at first but in time with have full access to the whole garden. But has already shown to us he has a great charactor, has got a right temper on him if you put anything in his way.

Re: Horsfield at 1 year
Posted: 15/05/2013 by Tom

Hello, I do hope it came from a breeder, sadly most Horsfields in the pet trade are taken from their natural habitat.
It's good to hear that you have plans to provide a spacious area outside.

Re: Horsfield at 1 year
Posted: 12/10/2014 by greendayjlb

Awww he's lovely, I have a horsfield the same sort of age, there amazing aren't they, I contacted the store mine came from, they were amazing and provided me the proof needed that he/she was captive bred in the uk which has put my mind at rest, I guess there are some good ones out there. 

Re: Horsfield at 1 year
Posted: 17/03/2015 by Tom

Breeders don't sell to dealers, but the latter always have a 'feasible' answer.

Re: Horsfield at 1 year
Posted: 26/04/2016 by Tom

How is it doing ?



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