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babies wont eat protein
Posted: 17/05/2013 by jojomo

first time owner of torts and had them only 3 weeks. 2 redfoots, 5 months old. recently took them to the vet because their plastron had become soft and they weren't as active as they were. vet did nothing for me and told me nothing i didn't already know or had already begun trying. doing everything i can but can't get them to eat any protein. tried shrimp, tuna, chicken an finally quality wet dog food. they won't touch any of it. any suggestions??

Re: babies wont eat protein
Posted: 17/05/2013 by jojomo

also...friend who joined me at the vet suggested way protein powder. it's sweet and vanilla flavored and vet said to try and it wouldn't hurt them. bin dusting their greens with it...good idea? bad idea??


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