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Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted: 22/05/2013 by Piddy123


We have two Hermanns which we had from a reputable uk breeder, 7 weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago we noticed that they were making a slight clicking noise when breathing. We took them straight to a reptile vet who thought they were in the early stages of a respiratory infection. He advised us to place them in a nebuliser for two 30 minute sessions per day with a fomulation of water and F10 for a two week period.. We have been doing this now for the last week. One of them seems the same but the other seems more lethargic. Will they get worse before they get better? It does sound more like the clicking is coming from the nose now. There is no discharge from their noses and seem to be clear. Apart from the clicking they seem ok, they are eating regularly and are bathed daily. Their basking spot is around 34 degrees and are kept on top soil. Their diet is weeds and flowers which are sprinkled with a calcium supplement and the occasional nutrabol.

Can anybody advise on the nebuliser process?



Re: Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted: 23/05/2013 by Tom

Hello Chris, I can't comment on the nebuliser, but these symptoms are most unusual especially in T.h.. Their diet is good & it's good that they are feeding. I would reduce the basking spot to 30C. Also put them in their outdoor enclosure, if the Bank Hol weather is reasonable, it does'nt need to be perfect. What does the breeder advise ? I am wondering if this is a nervous response. This is interesting, so please keep us updated.


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