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Living outside
Posted: 23/05/2013 by alibannani

Hi everyone,
I have a nearly 4 year old Hermanns and so far she hasn't lived outside permanently. Does the TPG gang have any advice about whether she's ok to go outside at the moment with the weather so unpredictable at the moment...
Many thanks
Alex and Ifutu

Re: Living outside
Posted: 10/06/2013 by tortoisemom

Hi Alex,


Mine live outside all year apart from when they are hibernating, you have to make sure in colder months they have a means of warming up to get going and shelter to escape the bad weather (saying that two of mine love the rain) I use an insulated shed with a heat bulb, you also need to make sure the temps don't drop down too low at night, again this only applies to colder months.  I use a heat emitting bulb on a thermostat so it only comes on if it gets cold. 

I'm a firm believer of keeping things as natural as possible for tortoises.  Hope this helps. 




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