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runny nose and been to vets three
Posted: 10/06/2013 by pauline01

I have a small tortoise that I bought about three years ago, I think its a she judging by the shape of the shell, she has had a runny nose off and on for the last year or so. The first time I took her to the vets she was also off of her food, she had antibiotic injections and the vet wormed her. Her runny nose cleared up and she started eating normally. Then a few months later she started her runny nose again, back to the vets this time he gave me antibiotic drops which I put on her food, again it cleared it up. This is now the third time I have taken her back and again she has antibiotic drops, her runny nose is clearing up but I am worried why she has this reoccurring problem. Any suggestions please. I must admit I have four tortoises and the two largest I bought from Darren (hope you don't mind the mention of your name!) who is the founder of this group, he knows all about tortoises, how to breed them, keep them healthy etc, the two smaller tortoises were from someone advertising locally, I don't think he was experienced as Darren and I have noticed that this two smaller ones are not so healthy and seem to be taking an age to grow, unlike my larger tortoises who grew nicely. Can inexperience affect a tortoise for a lifetime, health wise and size wise? Sorry that's two questions in one post!

Re: runny nose and been to vets three
Posted: 04/01/2014 by TPGDarren

Hi Pauline,


Sorry - you're post seems to have been missed.


Please feel free to drop me a line direct


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