Sandra and Sadie are approx 4yr old Iberas. Sandra is male and Sadie is female. They have been very well cared for and fed a weed-based diet. Their current owners are re-locating and cannot take this gorgeous pair with them. They will need to go to a home with lots of garden space as Sandra has been described as a bully and will need to be kept separate until they are ready to be introduced to a group of other Iberas. Although they are located in Northern Ireland, their current owners are willing to travel as far as Dublin. If you can help with Sandra and Sadie, please drop us an email: and quote "Northern Ireland Iberas"
Hi there. I live in Donegal, near the border with Strabane. I am an animal lover with cats and hens and have room on my land for a couple of tortoises. Could you let me know what I would need to keep these tortoises in the lap of luxury. I am not interested in breeding from them, just purely as pets. I have no experience, but I have wanted a tortoise since I was a child and am now in a position to offer them a happy home. Look forward to hearing from you. Jo Ballard
Hi Jo Here is a guide on how to adopt a tortoise from the TPG. Please read thoroughly. Firstly you will need to submit a registration form which can be downloaded from the TPG website here: If you have any difficulty downloading the form, please drop us a line at and we will send you a form in e-mail format.
All you have to do then is hit reply, fill in the form and send it back to us at Please note that registration forms will not be accepted without photos (these can be sent in a separate e-mail), these should document where the tortoise will go to warm up, suitable grazing areas, shed/greenhouses/coldframes etc. This will allow us and the current keeper to make the best match for the tortoise(s), ensuring continuity of care, which is paramount. If you have more than one species, please label the photos so we know which species are kept in what areas. Once we have received your registration form, we will then upload your details into our database for future reference so you won't have to submit this information again. We would be grateful however if you inform us of any changes to your current circumstances e.g. house move or any changes to accommodation/where the tortoise(s) will spend their time. Once you have registered, details of tortoises available can be found on:- Our Website:- Forum:- Facebook Page:- regards Sue
Hi. Unfortunately my pc has crashed and I am having to use a friend's computer until mine is mended. Could you send me an email registration form as this friend does not have a printer. I am hoping to have my pc back next week. I have suitable sheds, an acre of land and a tunnel.
Hi, Just a quick update on our website changes. All Tortoises available for rehoming can be found by clicking the below link, which has recently been updated
If you feel you are able to offer a tortoise a suitable home, please follow this link where contact details and an explanation of how to go about rehoming a tortoise can be found (if you haven’t already done so):-
If you are new to keeping tortoises, care sheets for each species and photos of suitable set-ups can be found by navigating through the menu on the left hand side of our website.
Many Thanks Again for taking the time to contact us and we hope to hear from you shortly:-)
My name is Paul Connell, and I am living in Dublin. I am eagerly trying to adopt two Spur Thighed Ibera tortoises. I had two Spur Thighed for many years (Male and female) and the male died last year. I have a large walled south facing garden in Dublin, and also a large tortoise table with Heat lamps and UV lights. I can send you pictures if you like. I can travel to collect if you are interested. Paul