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Keeping my tortoise secure
Posted: 30/06/2013 by Hazel S

I know that you advise to keep tortoises in an outbuilding with access to greenhouse but a few years I was very concerned about keeping my tortoise safe from theft and so I contacted John Ward. He advised me that the most secure way when I was out was to keep Basil in the house. He has a large run indoors with a combined lamp. I still worry that if I was burgled that he could be taken as burglars would be less likely to find him if he was outside, but of course then the garden and shed are less secure. Any advice please?

Re: Keeping my tortoise secure
Posted: 30/06/2013 by Hazel S

I should have mentioned that when I am in he has the freedom of the garden and he is microchipped

Re: Keeping my tortoise secure
Posted: 10/07/2013 by Tom

Hello Hazel,
You are probably doing as much as you can. I'm not sure about "an outbuilding & greenhouse". What species is it ?

Re: Keeping my tortoise secure
Posted: 16/07/2013 by Hazel S

Hello Tom
He is a spur thigh. I get upset that I might not be giving him the best quality of life that I can especially when I read that other owners have their tortoises outside 24/7. I still worry that a burglar might take him but I assume he's more secure in the house than the garden.

thanks for your reply


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