white, puffy and watery eyes Posted: 29/08/2013 by Catch22
I'm seeking some advice regarding our Horsefield.
She's around 20months old and we've had her for about 2-3months now and over the past could of days she's been off her food and as you can tell from the picture she has started with puffy eyes, which every now and again releases clear fluid. Her eye's are not red, but white.
I've just started bathing them with slightly warm water with a cotton bud for each eye. Does she require more treatment than this or should I carry on with the bathing?
She has UV lighting and heatlamp.
Thankyou for any advice
Re: white, puffy and watery eyes Posted: 29/08/2013 by Catch22
Sorry also forgot to add that calcium is also sprinkled on her food x
Re: white, puffy and watery eyes Posted: 29/08/2013 by Tom
Hello, Your tort needs very urgent veterinary treatment. Click on the Vets (green) box on the left, for your nearest (member) recommended vets. You have obviously bought it from a pet dealer & are now regrettably 'paying the price'. I'm sorry that you are in this situation, I suspect that your UV light is insufficient. It's such a shame, since it could have lived outside getting the real thing from the sun. Sadly it's all too common, with these poor things, which are all wild caught. Let us know what happens please & if you want advice on making an (easy) outdoor enclosure just ask. Regards Tom