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Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 23/09/2013 by emmzyf

Hi There!!

I am new to all this!! I have rehomed a 5 year old tortoise. He is gorgeous. The only thing is I am not sure what species of tortoise he is. He has spurs on his back legs. How can I tell if he is a Spur thighed tortoise or an African Spurred Tortoise?

Any advice would be appreciated. x


Re: Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 23/09/2013 by Tom

Many species have spurs on their thighs. If you post some pics & it's weight, it should be possible to give an answer. Also your knowledge of it's history, would be interesting.

Re: Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 23/09/2013 by emmzyf

Thanks so much Tom. Really appreciate your response.

All I know is the tortoise 'Tiddles' belonged to a family that were no longer able to look after him. He's 5 years old. Apparently there is some paper work but the couple are apparently spliting up and for some reason unable to retrieve the papers!

I am at work at the moment so would you mind if I posted some pics and his weight later on this evening?

Thanks so much.


Re: Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 24/09/2013 by Tom

Hello Emm,
I look forward to the pix when you have time.

Re: Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 24/09/2013 by emmzyf


Sorry for delay. and sorry for the last one being upside down!!!!



Re: Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 24/09/2013 by Tom

Testudo ibera. European Spur-thighed tort., they occur in Turkey, Greece, & surrounding countries. Weigh him accurately, monthly & keep a record. I suggest just 3months hibernation this year, starting mid-December. Access to calcium carbonate, in case of deficiency, is advisable.
You are lucky it's not an African spurred !! They are most unsuitable for the UK, but sadly pet dealers sell them.
Best wishes

Re: Spur thighed Tortoise or African Spurred Tortoise???
Posted: 24/09/2013 by emmzyf

Oh thanks so much. Really appreciate your help. I'll print off the care sheets now.

Thanks again


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