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Not eating
Posted: 25/09/2013 by Mollykelly

My lovely little Molly who is roughly 6 months old and very lovable stopped eating about a month ago I took her to the vet who has given me special powder to put in her bath once a day to rehydrate her and keep her strength up she also had a repiratory infection and was given an anti-biotic injection. She's perked up a treat and looks better however she's still not eating or pooping :-(((

I would be interested to hear if any other people experience this with their Horsefield? Also I'm at a loss as to whether to keep her in the Viv with the earth and sand mix (used to use corncob which were advised not to use) or to get another house - please help as I love her to bits and want her to be okay.

Thanks so much

Re: Not eating
Posted: 25/09/2013 by Tom

Hello Molly,
I'm sorry that you are in this position, which is common. All Horsfields sold by pet dealers are wild caught & problems occur sooner or later. Did the pet dealer persuade you to buy a viv ? They are not suitable for tortoises.
How long is it since your trip to the vet ?

Re: Not eating
Posted: 26/09/2013 by Mollykelly

We went to the vets last Wednesday evening. Not persuade as such but said it was the best environment as then they don't hibernate. Do you have any advice?

Re: Not eating
Posted: 26/09/2013 by Tom

You have a case in law against the pet dealer -
a. They recommended unsuitable housing.
b. Horsfields tortoises DO hibernate.
A "tortoise table" (in reality, an open topped box,) is required. Anything will do, an old drawer, or plastic storage box. This needs a UVB bulb (heat & light) aimed down towards one end. Click on links in the green box.
Until you have it set up, open the door at one end of the viv. by about 7cm (make safe) to increase the air supply & provide a cool area.
Can you explain the temp. regime in the viv. & how it's provided svp ?

Re: Not eating
Posted: 30/09/2013 by Mollykelly

Apologies for not responding sooner. I feel so confused as called the pet shop and they are speaking with their breader which is called EuroRep. He said that tortoises cannot go in to hibernation when they are young and the viv is the best place however I agree with you with regards to the tortoise table. We have air holes at the back top of the viv and a heat lamp one end and the UV light is at the back of the viv. The temperature is set between 26 - 28. Molly is still not eating however she did have a large stool in her bath last night. Her eyes are no longer sunken and she is definitely more alert however obviously the worry is that she's not eating.

Best Charlotte

Re: Not eating
Posted: 02/10/2013 by Tom

Hello Charlotte,
There is no point in asking the pet dealer, you've been given stupid advice in the first place. It is 99.9% certain that your tort. was wild caught.
They can have a shortened hib. in the 1st winter, provided that they are healthy, self evidently yours isn't.
How long, precisely, had you had the tortoise before it ceased feeding.
The temp. needs to be 28-30C. below the basking bulb at tort. level. Until you have a 'table' set up, you need to open the door (as noted in my previous em.) at the cool end.
It's 2 weeks since your vet trip. You need to find a Zoo Med Certified vet urgently, click on the "Vets and...." box on the left.
What food have you offered ?
Put the pet dealer "On Notice" in writing, that you will expect your past & future veterinary & travel costs to be refunded by them.

Re: Not eating
Posted: 03/10/2013 by Mollykelly

Hello Tom,

We had her for five weeks and then she stopped eating. I took her to another vet last night and she was very insightful. She's given Molly anti-worming and also a vitamin supplement in a tube down to her tummy and now we have to put small pieces of food in her mouth and carry on with her baths as she is still dehydrated. We offer her strawberries, tomatoes, brocolli, dandilions, romaine lettuce, lavataria and hibiscus flowers. The vet also informed us that it's hard to know which sex the tortoise is at present until the tail has grown more.

I've started opening the viv doors at the cool end which I was doing when we had her out to let some air circulate.

Thanks for your support!


Re: Not eating
Posted: 03/10/2013 by Tom

Hello Charlotte,
Re your direct em.. Euro Rep is a well known equipment firm & it's sad that they should stoop to selling these torts, as it's well known what's happening. You ask if you can trust their statement that they are bred on a farm in Eastern Europe. There is one way to find out - phone them again & request the full address of this farm. I look forward to their reply.
Now re. your post. The dehydration is due to the viv.
Re. food avoid fruit, it's not on their 'wild' menu.
Avoid broc. & all brassicas.
Chop dandelion, leaves & flowers & romaine lettuce, very finely, add water to make a liquid paste. Try to get a v. small amount into the mouth. Repeat 3 or 4 times a day. Minimal handling to reduce stress.
Does the sex matter ?!
Keep us informed,

Re: Not eating
Posted: 04/10/2013 by Mollykelly

Hi Tom

No the sex doesn't matter just like to know that's all. Will try and feed Molly with the food you suggest when I get home. I'm looking at tortoise tables and wanted some advice please. Do I still need to have a heat lamp and the UV light set up in the table? Also I have a cat and my concern is she may try to get in to the tortoise table?

Thanks Charlotte

Re: Not eating
Posted: 04/10/2013 by Tom

Yes health b4 sex!!
I've never had probs with cats. Keep an eye. You'll find details of the best bulb by clicking on links.
An old wooden drawer makes a good 'table.' No need for all the nonsense with commercial ones.
In haste

Re: Not eating
Posted: 04/10/2013 by Mollykelly

Very true! Okay good to know. Thanks for your response I wanted to know if I needed the UV light and the bulb or if I'm using a table do I not need the UV light?

Thanks C

Re: Not eating
Posted: 05/10/2013 by Mollykelly


Molly is finally eating however we are wondering if she may be blind how would we know?

Re: Not eating
Posted: 07/10/2013 by Mollykelly

Tom great news Molly is now eating she ate a lot on Friday evening and then on Saturday and Sunday in the morning and evening. This morning we put food down for her and she came straight up and started to eat on her own.So happy! She's also passed a stool in her bath yesterday.

Thank you so much.

Re: Not eating
Posted: 07/10/2013 by Tom

Hello Molly,
That's great to hear! ...... (4 days away, hence delay.)
Please contact Eurorep in writing for full details of the farm where they claim their Horsfields are bred, eg name of 'farmer' and the full address. If they are evasive with the full address, then ask for the nearest town.
Please let us know.

Re: Not eating
Posted: 07/10/2013 by Tom

Charlotte, I meant!!!


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