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Hibernate or not?
Posted: 30/09/2013 by nannydee

Hi Tom, I am trying to do my best for a tortoise my grandson found in the woods about 4 weeks ago, he has become very attached to it, but I don't know whether the tortoise is big enough to hibernate. His shell measures 11.5 cms and he weighs 375 grams. he hasn't fed him since Friday to get him ready for hibernation, but he seems to have become very active. If he's not heavy enough to hibernate successfully I will buy a vivarium or tortoise table with the relevant lamps, but I am really not very knowledgeable about all this. Help please, from a worried grandmother.

Re: Hibernate or not?
Posted: 30/09/2013 by Tom

He's a lucky boy! I guess you've asked around, as someone will be missing it. Hermanns have a 'claw' on the end of the tail.
The length has to be v. accurate & measured in a straight line. As you don't know it's history, I'd hib. for 3mth starting mid-Dec..
Avoid vivs. A 'tort table' can be an old drawer, etc. Commercial ones are OTT & expensive. It needs to be as big as poss as it's 11.5cm.
Click on the links box for a UVB bulb & on "The Tortoise" box for hibe. info. No heat or light at night.
Outside as much as poss next year in a wood sided enclosure = to 5 x 3metres. Minimum handling.



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