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Posted: 23/11/2013 by Emilymay

Re: Picture
Posted: 24/11/2013 by Tom

Are you intending to add some comments about the tortoise? Some problems are evident.

Re: Picture
Posted: 25/11/2013 by Emilymay2

Hi, just a quick note to introduce my twelve year horsefield tort called lily. Her shell is nice and hard she lives indoors in a big space with lots of light and is currently busy hibernating. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. What problems do you think she has?

Re: Picture
Posted: 25/11/2013 by Tom

Thanks for the reply.
Her beak is overgrown, which a vet can easily resolve.
The photo is not clear in B & W (sorry), but I thought that the front claws looked rather worn down.
Do you keep her indoors even in summer ?
Well done for hibernating her, many people don't.
Perhaps a colour pic. to follow, or next year.
Best wishes,


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