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tortoise table
Posted: 16/01/2014 by

I  have recently been given what I've been told is a Hermans tortoise. My tortoise table has arrived and I have now taken him out of the vivarium and into the tortoise table. However he has spent several hours trying to climb out of the table and appears to be very distressed.  This is not what I expected. Any advice ?

Re: tortoise table
Posted: 17/01/2014 by Tom

Hello Alison,

It would be helpful if you could give a lot more information, for example your torts age, background, etc., & if you can post some photos, this will also help in forming some ideas.


Re: tortoise table
Posted: 17/01/2014 by


The tortoise is supposed to be four years old and as always lived in the vivarium.

He seemed to be in some respiratory distress when I first had him. I took him to the vets who thought he was dehydrated, undernourished and in need of antibiotics so kept him overnight. I thought I recognised his bedding as cat litter and it was extremely dusty.

I bath him every day to help keep him hydrated and give him fresh leaves including weeds from the garden.

I had hoped he would be content in the tortoise table however he spends every waking moment trying to get out. He seems ok when I lift him out to walk around the house but I can't keep out for that long because I have to shut the dog out in order to give him some freedom.

Re: tortoise table
Posted: 18/01/2014 by Tom

Thank you for the reply,

You've been given a gift with a number of problems. A 4 year old Hermanns (I can confirm the species if you post some pics) is best hibernated, but with possible health problems, this will have to be next winter.
It is good that you have moved it out of a viv. to a table, but a 4 year old needs a very big table. 
The worst thing to do is to let it wander round the house, since when it is put back into the table, it will be frustrated, because of a lack of space. 
Can you post your temperature regime please ? it will help in giving you further advice. Also can you measure it's length in a straight line?
As you have a dog - remember that they cannot be trusted with torts, so bear this in mind when planning your outside enclosure, which will need to be at LEAST 15 square metres. 

I look forward to further details,


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