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Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 05/06/2014 by DougW


Sheila is having problems again with egg laying my vet who is a reptile vet has suggested that an implant that is used for dogs could be used ,or spaying could be done at a referral vet.Has anybody heard of this procedure it would be needed every year possibly and the implant is about the size of a microchip,I would prefer the implant as spaying is a more invasive?.She xrayed and ultrasounded her today and no more eggs were present but said something about follicles whatever they are?.
We would like to get her sorted out as its a shame for her every year having to go to the vet to be induced to lay as she never has laid naturally.
Doug W

Re: Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 06/06/2014 by Tom

Hello Doug,

I suggest that you fully discuss the options again with the specialist vet.
The implant would be my choice.

Before going ahead, can you give more details about your tortoise and exactly how it is kept ? There may be environmental reasons causing the problem.


Re: Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 07/06/2014 by DougW

Hi Tom

I believed we have texted before a couple of years ago with the same problem,Sheila laid broken eggs an got an infection which all ended well.She is a garden tortotise and has the run of our enclosed garden with our other tortoise Ben,Sheila is a Herman and Ben is a Spur 57 & 77 years old,both are sepately boxed and brought in over night. Sheila we have had 7 years adopted as we thought a male until she had problems 4 years ago when it turned out she was a female.In our old property in Kentfor three years it was OK not until we moved to Somerset near Exmoor did this problem arise. Ben is hand me down family tortotise.She never lays naturally and always has to be induced we have followed vetinary advice and given her lots of different nesting boxes and sites but its always a struggle for her and anything to stop her feeling uncomfortable would be welcome.Also what are follicles as the vet mentioned them she she was ultra sounded to check to more eggs?

Thanks Doug

Re: Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 08/06/2014 by Tom

Thank you for the reply, Doug.

Follicles are, put simply, the possible start of eggs.

Does the male follow her around?
Can you describe exactly what your nest sites consist of please ?

Re: Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 08/06/2014 by DougW

Hello Tom

Sites were of chopped straw mixed with soil slightly damp,sandy soil in my well ventilated greenhouse which she dug a big hole but laid nothing.
A box of peaty compost which she again dug holes but lost interest and her bed box which is just shredded newspaper.She laid in this last year after being induced at the vets where she laid 2 and some hours after another 3 in this box.Ben is not in the least interested he slowly moves down to his favorite basking site at the bottom of the garden,whilst Sheila wanders every which way,if they meet its by accident rather than design.Some years ago Ben met a female of his species and my wife said he went potty banging her shell and charging round trying to mount her(Tilly was twice his size) this has never happened with Sheila.When they are fed Sheila has hers on the lawn or patio Ben has picked up the habit of requiring hand feeding he will forage and feed himself but prefers the former,they are never fed together always seperate parts of the garden.

Re: Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 08/06/2014 by Tom

Thank you for the reply Doug.

They prefer well dug soil, which has then been firmed down & well trodden on. Thus it doesn't collapse when they make a conical shaped space for the eggs.
It's essencial that she is not disturbed in the process.
Ben is clearly not a problem to her.

If problems persist, then you still have the two veterinary options.

Let us know in due course, how she gets on.

Best wishes,

Re: Implant to stop egg production
Posted: 15/06/2014 by DougW

Hi Tom

Sheila is doing well I am pleased to say the vet put in the implant on Thursday took about an hour.Leslie the vet said it was the smaller of the available implants there is no guarantee that it would work but it was used in dogs,cats,birds and some reptiles with success but obviously no
details from the company regarding tortoises.its in the fleshy part of her right hind leg so it can be removed if required.Sheila was very good and suffered no discomfort during the procedure.Since having it done she has reverted to her old self and is eating everything all her favorite weeds and food and comes out from wherever as soon as she hears voices looking to see if you have anything for her.The sniffing and bottom wiggiling is gone, its now basking eating and sleeping which is great.
My wife and I are greatly relieved.



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