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Horsefield Tortoise - rain? Posted: 10/07/2014 by Animalia |
Hello I have recently acquired a Russian Tortoise from a old couple who didn't want him anymore. I have upgraded his indoor enclosure (3x2 table) to a 6x4 foot table, which I made. I work 9-6, 5 days a week and my partner takes him outside for a hour a day to get some natural sunshine before he goes work at 11am. He has everything he needs indoors, but now the weather is warming up I would like to make him a outdoor enclosure for him in the garden. I'm well aware they like to dig and climb, so it will be well built with a lid, ect ect.
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Re: Horsefield Tortoise - rain? Posted: 10/07/2014 by Tom |
Hello, You're doing well so far, although the light could be on for less time. They are ok with temps much lower than 20C overnight. Yes outside is by far the best place in summer. The BBC online weather forecast is very good & links to your postcode. You could rig up a tent like structure in polythene, for wet days. Check out some garden centres as lots of 'stuff' of this type is available - also online. Experiment with a small pen this year, & get your tort out asap. Don't worry about light showers, while you're at work. Don't forget the can 'dig out.' Bury some slates, or similar horizontally, around the perimeter. Regards, Tom | |