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New home for 'Herman'
Posted: 02/10/2014 by EmmaO


I have a Herman tortoise called 'Herman' (original I know) who is need of a good home. I have had Herman for 2 years and due to down sizing he needs to find a good home.
He has his table, lighting etc and this can all go with him if required. I am sorry to see him go but want him to have more attention to what I can give him with my work changing recently. I am saying 'him' but unsure.
I live in south manchester 5 mins from the airport and anyone interested in Herman please reply for more information.

Re: New home for 'Herman'
Posted: 30/10/2014 by DarrenAdmin

Hi Emma,

if you haven't already done so, please e-mail


Re: New home for 'Herman'
Posted: 01/11/2014 by bethwillmottx

Hello, I was just wondering how much is he and his lighting and everything please. I have my own tortoise who is also a hemann, He is one year old, We are looking for another one for my mother. 

Beth Willmott

Re: New home for 'Herman'
Posted: 10/08/2015 by Karaalberts


I would absolutely love to adopt Herman. I have had a tortoise of my own for 5 years but he lives at my family home and I have moved out. I have a big bedroom and two gardens as well as 4 lovely housemates who, like me, would love to have him as part of the family!

I hope to hear from you soon! My email is karaalberts at gmail dot com




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