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New Hermann added Posted: 16/10/2014 by ditzyangeluk |
I have two Hermanns, aged just over two, so unsexed. I have just added a third Hermann, yesterday, a year old (so again unsexed) but about the same size and weight as the other two. One of my 2 year olds has been mounting the new one and doing the face/expressions/mouthing that I have seen when tortoises are mating. I know that they are too young so is it a dominance thing? Should I be wary at this age? | |
Re: New Hermann added Posted: 16/10/2014 by Tom |
Yes dominance. Are you familiar with the term quarantine? Should you "be wary" of what ? Do you keep weight records ? | |
Re: New Hermann added Posted: 16/10/2014 by ditzyangeluk |
Yes, I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE TERM QUARANTINE, thank you. They are from same breeder. With the wariness, I meant if it IS a dominanece thing, will they get over it and they will get used to each other - it has ony been a day. Or should I separate now to save anxiety? And yes, I keep weight records | |
Re: New Hermann added Posted: 17/10/2014 by Tom |
TIME WILL TELL. I asked so as to advise if nec.. | |